Oh dear……I suppose it is better to know than not to know.
When I tucked this soft, graceful, droopy tree into what seemed
a perfect spot next to the new screened-in porch, never --- not ever ---
did I dream that it had the potential to reach 150 feet. …
It was so soft and small when we brought it home
from the great annual
Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons Plant Sale.
The cones have not yet reached 10 inches as they are expected, but what is this? 8 inches already???
Only bought 5 years ago and already topping the cupola!
Let the gardener beware...
My feelings are best described by a favorite quote from Gloria Steinem that happened onto one of
Stephanie Brody-Lederman’s treasured collage calendars…
“The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off.”
Excerpted from DIRTIER: Volume 32.