Thursday, February 24, 2011

February Days....

February Words to the Wise

Serious attention must now be paid to the catalogs crowding your kitchen. 
Start ordering now for spring planting, summer tubers and bulbs.

Check on your stored bulbs and tubers--get rid of anything withered or
mildewy before it infects the others--you can divide your canna tubers
now if you are itching for something to do. 
Each piece you sever should have an unmistakably strong growing point.

Pay attention to everything growing indoors--water, fertiize, and don't
forget to continuously rotate the pots so the sun reaches all parts evenly.

By now, it is definitely time to start feeding the birds again.

Excerpted from DIRT: The Lowdown on Growing a Garden with Style
by Dianne Benson.

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