Thursday, February 4, 2010

The DB Yard Bag

Well, Christmas has brought with it a second coming for the great DB Yard Bag. The clever Matko Tomicic (of LongHouse fame) decided to give four Yard Bags as presents and happily reported a big grateful success for The Bag of a Thousand Uses
So, No need to be literal or punctilious about your Yard Bag: Itg looks empty and pristine now, but it is at its best when filled with everything from used Christmas wrapping to kindling and firewood, and it's especiallyhandyfor bringing old coats and extra bounties of groceries for your local food pantry.... The possibilities are endless and after all, spring and its endless clean-up are right around the corner...
and that;s when you really need it for gathering all those leaves, and wind-blown twigs and dried-up stalks...a home for your garden detritus

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