Thursday, January 7, 2010

The New Year

I am glad that this muddle of a new century's first decade is coming to an end -
The decade that is...
Funny that it hasn't yet been given a name that has stuck - The Aughts is horrible name for a decade or anything else...maybe The Ought -Tos would be better, as in ought to have taken better advantage of all the dizzying new technology to advance the manners and morals of the planet a little ...
Perhaps The Teens will be more inspiring and the perversity that so many have come to confuse with chic will emerge, which seems to me to defeat the whole idea of coolness in the first place. So are we now in The PreTeens ? This is a classically awkward period. Hope these will be Obama's years to shine and hope that our unfortunately unattractive deer wire fence, another thing that looks better in the snow, will be obliterated by a giddy and gorgeous mix of clematis, tall bamboo, the great and fast-growing vine Akebia and overshadowed by our beautiful big old trees. The holly being the snow covered epitome....

May you, your gardens and your loved ones thrive.

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