Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Consanguinem Conundrum

On the other hand - who ever knows? This beauty is a 'jack' with no drip tips but heavenly circular leaves, a smaller and more compact form with a slouchier posture. It appears moodier because of its deeper, more iridescent color. Because it flowered later, I took an-eve-more-than usual interest in the info on its marker and was hardly prepared for the surprising news that it also came to me as Arisaema consanguinem but from the Lazy S'S Farm Nursery (http://www.lazyssfarm.com/) in Barboursville, Virginia. I have been waiting two years for it to come to life. It is the cultivar 'Silver Center' though why it is named so is not apparent to me. But anyway they are all marvelous and a garden can never have too many jacks - no matter what they are called.

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