Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Bounty of Summer

If I were in the business of selling plants instead of shovels and tool belts, then foremost among my Ten Best would be those that multiply like crazy: Petasites Asarum europaeum and Tetrapanax - the incredulous Japanese Rice Paper Plant.
My first plant came from the Plant Delights nursery (, though they mysteriously do not seem to sell it any longer, and was touted, i believe, as not being reliably hardy in Zone 7. Well they were dead wrong --not only has it thrived and become a garden boon -- completely filling in where the various iris and spring things have dwindled away. With gorgeous celadon/blue/dusty green fan like leaves, it rises to three feet seemingly from out of nowhere, each leaf pleats open in a unique accordion style. So as i do not have the stamina nor the facility to dig or keep supplies of dirt and labels, nor ship plants, i sadly cannot sell you one. But if you can arrange to be at my garden for a tour, I am known to be very generous with those visitors who really seem passionate. Stay tuned to this blog for the 2010 Garden Conservancy Open Dates or check their web site (

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